Technical artists serving in the local church understand what it means to love Jesus—but somehow hate Christmas. By the time Christmas (or any church event) is over, technical artists have poured hundreds of hours of their lives into thankless jobs—rolling cable, taping the stage, checking mics, and other invisible jobs. They’re the first to arrive and the last to leave. They work behind the scenes and dress in black. They’re the unseen heroes who have to figure out how to do the impossible. Week after week. Unnoticed. Invisible is what they do… until something goes wrong.
In I Love Jesus But I Hate Christmas, Todd Elliott addresses the challenges every technical artist in the church—and those who lead them—has ever had. And he offers refreshing insight into learning to thrive as a technical artist; successfully collaborating with fellow artists; and building skilled teams of technical artists to be as effective as possible. Because when you’re more effective, the church is more effective.
Read the first couple chapters to see if you love Jesus and hate Christmas too.
W. Todd Elliott is a writer, speaker, technical artist in the local church and founder of FILO. Formerly the Technical Arts Director at Willow Creek Community Church, he started FILO in 2015 to help other technical artists become more effective so that the local church can be more effective. In his free time, he enjoys being inspired by Winston Churchill speeches and visiting the gravesites of U.S. presidents. Todd and his wife, Bissy, reside near Chicago. They have three kids and a dog…none of whom are into production.